Hilarious Video
----Edited GI Joe Cartoons PSA overdubbed

Remember how at the end of every G.I. Joe Cartoon they would have some short educational segment and it would always end with the line "And Knowing Is Half The Battle"? These clips are dubbed over with new dialogue and even some of the animation is changed and remixed. The result is so hilarious that I almost wet my pants the first time I saw them. Watch the videos closely to catch it all. If you don't get it, don't worry. It is meant to be random and goofy. We want to thank Fensler Films for creating these videos. And I thank Ebaumsworld for helping me find this. ***Special note, since I don't have much site space and i'm too cheap to pay for more, i'm taking a few of these down. If you still want them, please contact me and i'll repost the video. Thanks***

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Click here to watch video.